Data Dictionary

Field Name Name Type Description Fixed Values
tripid CHAR() Trip ID number
persid CHAR() Person ID number
hhid CHAR() Household ID Number
stops INTEGER() Stop no. for person on the day of survey
tripno INTEGER() Trip number for person on the day of survey
starthour INTEGER() Trip start hour
startime INTEGER() Time of Starting Trip (in minutes, from midnight)
arrhour INTEGER() Hour of Ending Trip (27 hr - day)
arrtime INTEGER() Time of Ending Trip (in minutes, from midnight)
triptime INTEGER() Total trip time (in minutes)
travtime INTEGER() Total time spent travelling (minus duration at stops)
waitime INTEGER() Total waiting time at stop between modes (in minutes)
duration INTEGER() Duration of Stop Activity
cumdist FLOAT() Total distance for trip - using VISTADIST (Network shortest path)
origLGA CHAR() Trip origin - LGA
origplace1 CHAR() Origin Place Type (Summary)
origplace2 CHAR() Origin Place Type (Detail)
origpurp1 CHAR() Purpose at Start of Trip Stage (Summary)
origpurp2 CHAR() Purpose at Start of Trip Stage (detail)
destLGA CHAR() Trip destination - LGA
destpurp1 CHAR() Purpose at End of Trip (Summary)
destpurp2 CHAR() Purpose at End of Trip (detailed)
destplace1 CHAR() Destination Place Type (Summary)
destplace2 CHAR() Destination Place Type (detailed)
trippurp CHAR() Purpose of the trip
linkmode CHAR() Assigned as overall trip mode
dist1 FLOAT() Travel distance for trip-stage (stop) #1 (in km)
dist2 FLOAT() Travel distance for trip-stage (stop) #2
dist3 FLOAT() Travel distance for trip-stage (stop) #3
dist4 FLOAT() Travel distance for trip-stage (stop) #4
dist5 FLOAT() Travel distance for trip-stage (stop) #5
dist6 FLOAT() Travel distance for trip-stage (stop) #6
dist7 FLOAT() Travel distance for trip-stage (stop) #7
dist8 FLOAT() Travel distance for trip-stage (stop) #8
dist9 FLOAT() Travel distance for trip-stage (stop) #9
dist10 FLOAT() Travel distance for trip-stage (stop) #10
mode1 CHAR() Travel mode for trip-stage (stop) #1
mode2 CHAR() Travel mode for trip-stage (stop) #2
mode3 CHAR() Travel mode for trip-stage (stop) #3
mode4 CHAR() Travel mode for trip-stage (stop) #4
mode5 CHAR() Travel mode for trip-stage (stop) #5
mode6 CHAR() Travel mode for trip-stage (stop) #6
mode7 CHAR() Travel mode for trip-stage (stop) #7
mode8 CHAR() Travel mode for trip-stage (stop) #8
mode9 CHAR() Travel mode for trip-stage (stop) #9
mode10 CHAR() Travel mode for trip-stage (stop) #10
time1 INTEGER() Travel time for trip-stage (stop) #1 (in minutes)
time2 INTEGER() Travel time for trip-stage (stop) #2
time3 INTEGER() Travel time for trip-stage (stop) #3
time4 INTEGER() Travel time for trip-stage (stop) #4
time5 INTEGER() Travel time for trip-stage (stop) #5
time6 INTEGER() Travel time for trip-stage (stop) #6
time7 INTEGER() Travel time for trip-stage (stop) #7
time8 INTEGER() Travel time for trip-stage (stop) #8
time9 INTEGER() Travel time for trip-stage (stop) #9
time10 INTEGER() Travel time for trip-stage (stop) #10
wdtripwgt_LGA FLOAT() Trip weight for an Average day of the week of the combined 2012-20 dataset, using the ASGC.
wetripwgt_LGA FLOAT() Trip weight for an Average weekend day of the combined 2012-20 dataset, using the ASGC.

Additional information

Field Value
Dataset Last Updated Date 30 June 2021
Last Updated Date 7 November 2024
Publication Date 30 June 2021
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Open Data Title VISTA - Trips
Dataset File Size 76.2 MiB
Dataset Security Value BIL1 OFFICIAL - Authorised Public Release
Dataset Reporting Period Start 1 January 2012
Dataset Reporting Period End 31 December 2020
Geographic Coverage Victoria