Field Name |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Fixed Values |
hhid |
Household ID |
Household ID Number |
surveyperiod |
Survey Period |
Year the household was surveyed |
travdow |
Travel Day of Week |
Household travel day - day-of-week |
travmonth |
Survey Month |
Month of survey |
daytype |
Day Type |
Survey day sorted into weekday or weekend day types |
dwelltype |
Dwell Type |
Type of dwelling such as unit or house. |
owndwell |
Own Dwelling |
Dwelling ownership status |
hhsize |
Household size |
Usual number of residents in household |
hhinc |
Household income |
Household income |
visitors |
Visitors |
Visitors in household (staying overnight, day before survey) |
average |
Average Age |
Average age of residents in household |
youngest |
Youngest |
Youngest person in household |
oldest |
Oldest |
Oldest person in household |
yearslived |
Years Lived |
Number of years lived at the home address |
monthslived |
Months Lived |
Number of months lived at the home address |
adultbikes |
Adult bikes |
Number of bicycles used by adults at address |
kidsbikes |
Kids bikes |
Number of bicycles used by children at address |
totalbikes |
Total Bikes |
Number of bicycles used by children at address |
cars |
Cars |
Number of cars at address |
fourwds |
4WD |
Number of four-wheel drive vehicles at address |
utes |
Utes |
Number of utility vehicles at address |
vans |
Vans |
Number of vans at address |
trucks |
Trucks |
Number of trucks at address |
mbikes |
Motorbikes |
Number of motorbikes at address |
othervehs |
Other Vehicles |
Number of other vehicles at address |
totalvehs |
Total Vehicles |
Total number of vehicles at address |
wdhhwgt_LGA |
Weekday Household Weight LGA |
Household weight for an Average weekday of the combined 2012-20 dataset, using the ASGC |
wehhwgt_LGA |
Weekend Household Weight LGA |
Household weight for an Average weekend day of the combined 2012-20 dataset, using the ASGC |
homeLGA |
Home LGA |
Household location - Local Government Area |
homesubregion_ASGC |
Home Subregion ASGC |
Household location sorted into subregions (using ASGC) – i.e Geelong LGA plus Inner, Middle and Outer Melbourne. |
homeregion_ASGC |
Home Region ASGC |
Household location sorted into MSD (31 LGAs) and Geelong LGA |