Data on the Move

Making it easier to find and use transport open data

Consolidating access to open data

With the launch of our brand new Transport Victoria Open Data Portal, there will be changes to how you access transport related datasets from Department of Transport and Planning (DTP).


DTP will use the approach below to move data across in a way that will minimise any disruption to access: 

Datasets on existing DTP open data portals

As part of our data migration plan, we have added the priority datasets from both the Data Exchange Platform (DEP) and Open Data Hub to this new portal. We will progressively move datasets from both these portal throughout 2025 and will close them down once this has been completed.

With each data migration activity, there will be a transition period before we remove them from their current portals to give data users enough time to switch to accessing them from this portal. Please check each dataset’s page for further information about the data migration plan.

Datasets on other Victorian Government open data platforms

DTP also has data listed on the Victoria Government data platforms DataVic and the Developer Vic portal. Transport datasets will continue to be listed on DataVic and the Developer Vic portal but the access links will be updated to point to this new portal as they are moved across. There will be a transition period where the data will be available in two locations - via its current links as well as a new link pointing to this new portal – so data users can change how they access them. 

Please check each dataset’s page for further information about the data’s location/link and migration plan.

Changes to the datasets moved to this portal

Some datasets have been updated as they were moved to this new portal. Please see the information on individual dataset pages for details on any changes. We will also post regular updates on the data migration progress and the expected timeline for full data availability.


You can also create an account in this portal to subscribe to a dataset, which will allow you to receive a notification whenever there is a change or update.  

A brighter future for open data

The migration of data to this new portal signifies our commitment to providing open data in the most accessible and user-friendly format possible. We believe this is a crucial step towards fostering innovation, transparency, and data-driven decision making in our community.


Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition. We are confident that the new portal will be an invaluable resource for you and everyone who values the power of open data!