Data Dictionary

Field Name Name Type Description Fixed Values
type Type Fixed Value: FeatureCollection.
features Features Array of Feature object. Refer to Feature object details.
feature Feature Each named freeway and freeway segment is represented as a single feature in GeoJSON.
feature.type Feature Type Fixed Value: Feature.
feature.geometry Feature Geometry The geometry of the feature. Refer to Geometry object details. Feature Properties The properties of the freeway or freeway segment. Refer to Property object details.
geometry Geometry An object containing the geo coordinate representation of the freeway segment as specified by the GeoJSON.
geometry.type Geometry Type Fixed value: LineString.
geometry.coordinates Geometry Coordinates Coordinates are in x, y order (longitude, and latitude for geographic coordinates) precisely in that order and using double values. Altitude or elevation MAY be included as an optional third parameter while creating this object. Example: {"type": "LineString","coordinates": [[100.0, 0.0],[101.0, 1.0]]}
properties Properties An object containing the various properties of the freeway or freeway segment feature. Properties ID Is an unique identifier for the freeway or freeway segment.
properties.freewayName Freeway Name This is the Freeway Name derived from name attribute of segment (detector) record.
properties.segmentName Segment Name This is the segement name derived from name attribute of segment (detector) record.
properties.direction Direction This is the direction derived from name attribute of segment (detector) record. Inbound, Outbound, Northbound, Eastbound, Southbound, Westbound
properties.publishedtime Published Time The time the measures were published by STREAMS.
properties.enabled Enabled Indicates whether the travel time path is enabled.
properties.parentpathid ParentPathID The id of the parent travel time path in the form localid : classid : hostname. Supress if null.
properties.pathvalid Path Valid Indicates whether the travel time path is valid. Supress if null.
properties.actualtraveltime Actual Travel Time The current travel time for the path(s).
properties.nominaltraveltime Nominal Travel Time The nominal travel time for the path(s).
properties.averagespeed Average Speed The average speed for the path, truncated to a number of km/h.
properties.condition Traffic Condition The traffic conditions on this segment of the freeway. Blank, Light, Medium, Heavy
properties.hasoverride Has Override Indicates whether the path currently has an operator override.
properties.roundedtraveltime Rounded Travel Time The current rounded travel time for the path(s).
properties.varianceroundednominal Variance Rounded Nominal The variance of the rounded travel time from nominal travel time.
properties.variancenominal Variance Nominal The variance of the actual travel time from the nominal travel time.
properties.datasubstitution Data Substitution The percentage level of interpolation that has been applied to missing movement data. The percentage is measured as a percentage of the length of the path that has been interpolated against the total distance.
properties.includesrampwaittime Includes Ramp Wait Time Indicates whether the ramp wait times are included in the travel time measures in the case where the travel time path is from a sign associated with an on-ramp.
properties.congestionindex Congestion Index The congestion index for the travel time path. This applies only to travel time paths from remote systems, and is calculated by the remote system.
properties.delay Delay The delay for the travel time path. This applies only to travel time paths from remote systems, and is calculated by the remote system.
properties.excessdelay Excess Delay The excess delay for the travel time path. This applies only to travel time paths from remote systems, and is calculated by the remote system.
properties.orderonparent Order On Parent The order on the parent path, if it is a sub-path.
properties.source Source An object that describes information source. Refer to Source object details.

Additional information

Field Value
Format API
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Open Data Title Freeway Travel Time - Traffic
Dataset Security Value BIL1 OFFICIAL - Authorised Public Release
Geographic Coordinate System WGS84
Geographic Coverage Metropolitan Melbourne