Traffic Signal Volume Data
This dataset contains the traffic volume at Traffic Signal locations. It is aggregated into 15 minute time periods and the counts are assigned to each traffic loop detector (per...- ZIP
GTFS Schedule
The GTFS Schedule dataset contains static timetable information of public transport services in Victoria. The modes included are: All metropolitan and regional trains All...- ZIP
Train Service Passenger Counts
The dataset provides the number of patrons that boarded and alighted a particular train service per business date. Estimated passenger counts includes all persons aged 5 and...- CSV
Monthly public transport patronage by mode
Monthly total patronage for metropolitan and regional train, metropolitan and regional bus, tram and regional coach services in Victoria, to allow users to analyse trends in...- CSV
Monthly average patronage by day type and by mode
Daily average patronage each month for metropolitan and regional train, metropolitan and regional bus and tram services in Victoria for day types: normal weekday, school holiday...- CSV
Annual regional train station patronage (station entries)
Total annual patronage (station entries) for Victorian regional train stations, to allow users to analyse Victorian regional train patronage by station, day type, time of day...- CSV
Quarterly Driver Licence Transfers to Victoria
This data contains the count of drivers licences transferred to Victoria on a quarterly basis.- CSV
Quarterly Driver Licence Transfers from Victoria
This data contains the count of drivers licences transferred from Victoria on a quarterly basis.- CSV
Monthly Vehicle Transfers
This data provides the count of vehicle transfers (except boats and trailers) per month including their Make, Year of Manufacture and colour of the vehicle.- CSV
Whole Fleet Vehicle Registration Snapshot by Postcode
This dataset contains the count of all vehicles registered in Victoria within a given quarter. The information is aggregated by Vehicle Make, Postcode. Fuel Type, Vehicle Class,...- CSV
Whole Fleet Vehicle Registration Snapshot by Model
This dataset contains the count of all vehicles registered in Victoria within a given quarter. The information is aggregated by Vehicle Make, Vehicle Model and colour. This...- CSV
Monthly New Vehicle Registration
Represents data extract to provide count of new vehicles (except boats and trailors) registered within given month- CSV
Speed Zones
Speed Zones is a spatial dataset (polyline) of every road in Victoria. The data includes attributes such as the speed zone value for that road segment and the direction it...- GeoJSON
Speed Signs
Speed Signs is a spatial dataset (point) that shows the location of every speed limit sign across Victoria including advisory speed signs. The data includes attributes such as...- GeoJSON
Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity (VISTA)
The Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity (VISTA) is an ongoing survey of household travel activity. As part of VISTA, all members of surveyed households are asked...- CSV
Annual metropolitan train station patronage (station entries)
Total and daily average patronage (station entries) for Melbourne metropolitan train stations, including average patronage by time band, to allow users to analyse Melbourne...- CSV
Victoria road crash data
This data has been consolidated from Victoria Police reports and Hospital injury information, then validated and enriched to provide a comprehensive and detailed view of road...- CSV
GTFS Realtime
GTFS Realtime feeds have been provided by the Victoria Department of Transport and Planning to provide realtime updates about Public Transport services. It contains feeds about:...- API
Public Transport Lines and Stops
Location of public transport lines and stops per mode in Victoria- GeoJSON
Freeway Travel Time
Freeway Travel Time contains the spatial location, travel times and traffic conditions collected from road-side sensors for freeways throughout Melbourne. The data includes...- API
You can also access this platform using the CKAN API (see API Docs).