Monthly average patronage by day type and by mode

Daily average patronage each month for metropolitan and regional train, metropolitan and regional bus and tram services in Victoria for day types: normal weekday, school holiday weekday and weekend (public holidays are excluded) and for days of week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Patronage is a count of patron boarding onto services with the exclusion of train transfers. Patrons includes all persons 5 and over, excluding drivers and station staff.

Data Quality

1) Patronage estimates are rounded to nearest 50 and values less than 50 are rounded up to 50.

2) Patronage data is derived from myki ticketing data. As ticketing data provides an incomplete picture of the number of people using public transport, DTP also conducts a patronage survey to supplement myki data. The purpose of the patronage survey is to determine the transaction rate, which is the percentage of passengers who ‘touch-on’ when they travel. Ticketing transactions are boosted according to the transaction rate to provide an estimate of total patronage.

3) As of January 2021, metropolitan train patronage uses barrier count data, where available, in place of survey observations to determine the transaction rate.

4) Metropolitan train patronage does not include train transfers. Patrons includes all persons 5 and over, excluding drivers and station staff.

5) From 2021 onwards, patronage data for regional trains include non-myki patronage (e.g. paper ticket counts). Prior to this, patronage does not include non-myki patronage.

6) Patronage data for regional bus does not include patronage estimates for services that are not-myki enabled.


Additional Info

Field Value
Abstract Daily average patronage each month for metropolitan and regional train, metropolitan and regional bus and tram services in Victoria for day types: normal weekday, school holiday weekday and weekend (public holidays are excluded) and for days of week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Organisation Department of Transport and Planning
Reporting Period Start 1 January 2018
Reporting Period End 30 June 2024
Last Updated Date 7 November 2024