Planned Disruptions - Road
Disruptions to the road network in Victoria affect many people as they plan and undertake their journeys. This information contains details of disruptions in near real-time on roads managed by the Victorian Department of Transport. The data includes the location and reason for the disruption along with which road it has occurred on. To obtain an 'API Key' please continue to signup using our Data Exchange Platform (
Data Dictionary
Field Name | Name | Type | Description | Fixed Values |
type | Type | STRING() | Fixed Value: FeatureCollection | |
features | Features | ARRAY() | Array of Feature objects. Refer to Feature object details. | |
feature | Feature | OBJECT() | A single road disruption event is represented as a single feature. | |
feature.type | Feature Type | STRING() | Fixed Value: Feature | |
feature.geometries | Feature Geometries | ARRAY() | Array of Geometry object. Refer to Geometry object details. | | | Feature Properties | OBJECT() | The properties of road disruption event. Refer to Properties object details. | |
geometry | Geometry | OBJECT() | A geographic representation of the road disruption event as specified by the GeoJSON specification | |
geometry.type | Geometry Type | STRING() | LineString - A linestring represents two or more geographic points that share a relationship as specified in the GeoJSON specification. Point - A point represents a single geographic position as specified in the GeoJSON specification. |
geometry.coordinates | Geometry Coordinates | ARRAY() | Coordinates are in x, y order (longitude, and latitude for geographic coordinates) precisely in that order and using double values. Eg: when the geometry type is point { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [100.0, 0.0] } Eg: when the geometry type is LineString { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0] ]} |
property | Properties | OBJECT() | An object that describes the properties of a road disruption event. | | | ID | STRING() | [DisruptionType]:[SourceName]:[SourceId] Is a unique identifier for the road disruption event. |
properties.source | Source | OBJECT() | An object that describes information source. Refer to Source object details | |
properties.status | Status | STRING() | Pending - Indicates that planned road disruption is currently not active. Active - Indicates that planned road disruption is currently active and traffic management and changed road conditions may apply. |
properties.closedRoadName | Closed Road Name | STRING() | Name of the closed or impacted road name. | |
properties.startIntersectionRoadName | Start Intersection Road Name | STRING() | Name of the road at the closest intersection to the beginning of the road disruption. | |
properties.startIntersectionLocality | Start Intersection Locality | STRING() | Local suburb at the closest intersection to the beginning of the road disruption. | |
properties.endIntersectionRoadName | End Intersection Road Name | STRING() | Name of the road at the closest intersection to the end of the road disruption. | |
properties.endIntersectionLocality | End Intersection Locality | STRING() | Local suburb at the closest intersection to the end of the road disruption. | |
properties.localGovernmentArea | Local Government Area | STRING() | Local government area where the impacted road belongs to. | |
properties.srns | SRNS | STRING() | Statewide Route Numbering System (SRNS class). Possible values include M, A, B or C representing the route classification, with 1, 2 or 3 digit integer representing the route number (eg. A123). May be blank or null. | |
properties.sesRegion | SES Region | STRING() | Emergency services (SES) region. May be blank or null. | |
properties.rmaClass | RMA Class | STRING() | Road Management Act class for the closed or impacted road. | (FW) Freeway, (AH) Arterial - Highway, (AO) Arterial - Other, (MU) Municipal, (NR) Non-Arterial State Road, (RO) Road - Other |
properties.eventType | Event Type | STRING() | Roadworks - Indicates that the planned road disruption is roadwork or maintained related. Special event - Indicates that the planned road disruption is not road work or maintenance related. |
properties.eventSubType | Event Subtype | STRING() | The secondary type for this event, describes the event further. N/A - When event sub type is not definitive. Planned roadworks - When planned road events event type is “RoadWorks” |
properties.eventDueTo | Event Due To | STRING() | The cause of the road disruption. Possible values include: Sporting/social event, Road construction, Public Transport Works, Road Maintenance Works, Building / 3rd Party Works, WGTP (West Gate Tunnel Project) etc |
properties.impact | Impact | OBJECT() | Information about the impact of the disruption event. Refer to Impact object details. | |
properties.duration | Duration | OBJECT() | Information about the duration of the disruption event. Refer to Duration object details. | |
properties.description | Description | STRING() | A short description outlining information specific to this event – example the name of the event, and a short impact indication. | |
properties.lastUpdated | Last Updated | ISO DATE TIMESTAMP() | The date time this event was last updated in the system. ISO 8601 time string, Victorian local time. Format: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[MM]:[SS] | |
properties.source.sourceName | Source Name | STRING() | Name of the source system where the disruption is recorded. Possible values are OneView, RWE, MTIA | |
properties.source.sourceId | Source ID | STRING() | Source system ID of the road disruption. | |
properties.impact.direction | Direction | STRING() | Direction the disruption is occurring. | Northbound, Southbound, Eastbound, Westbound, Inbound, Outbound, Both directions, All direction, Unknown |
properties.impact.impactType | Impact Type | STRING() | Type of impact of the disruption. | N/A, Closures, Lanes affected, Lanes blocked, Road restricted, No blockage |
properties.impact.delay | Delay | STRING() | Delay expected in approximate time, range (e.g. '6 to 8 minutes’). | |
properties.impact.numberLanesImpacted | Number of Lanes Impacted | STRING() | Number of lanes impacted due to the road disruption. | |
properties.impact.speedLimitOnSite | Speed Limit On Site | STRING() | Speed limit on site expected to obey during the disruption. | |
properties.duration.start | Start Date | ISO DATE TIMESTAMP() | The date and time this event starts. ISO 8601 time string, Victorian local time. Format: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[MM]:[SS] |
properties.duration.end | End Date | ISO DATE TIMESTAMP() | The date and time this event stops. ISO 8601 time string, Victorian local time. Format: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[MM]:[SS] |
properties.duration.recurrences | Recurrences | ARRAY() | An array of days, times and impacts that this event is impacting the road, may be null or empty. | |
properties.duration.recurrences[n] | Recurrence | OBJECT() | An object that describes a recurrence of a road disruption event. | |
properties.duration.recurrences[n].startDay | Start Day | STRING() | The day of week that the recurrence starts. | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday |
properties.duration.recurrences[n].daysDuration | Days Duration | INTEGER() | The number of days of the recurrence. Values can range from 1 to 7, 1 meaning a single day, 7 all week. | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
properties.duration.recurrences[n].startTime | Start Time | STRING() | ISO 8601 time string for the recurrence based on Victorian local time. Format: [HH]:[MM] |
properties.duration.recurrences[n].duration | Recurrence Duration | STRING() | Duration of the recurrence in ISO 8601 time format - Hours and minutes. Duration can’t be more than 24 hours. Format: PT[HH]H or PT[HH]H[MM]. For example, PT1H30M15S = 1 hour 30 minutes 15 seconds. |
properties.duration.recurrences[n].allDay | All Day | BOOLEAN() | Set to true if impact is for the entire day. startTime and duration are invalid if this is true. |
Additional information
Field | Value |
Format | API |
License | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
Open Data Title | Planned Disruptions - Road |
Dataset Security Value | BIL1 OFFICIAL - Authorised Public Release |
Geographic Coordinate System | WGS84 |
Geographic Coverage | Victoria |