Data Dictionary

Field Name Name Type Description Fixed Values
_geojson Geo JSON GEOMETRY(255) Coordinates and attributes of the speed signs
id ID DOUBLE(255) Identifier for the record
road_name Road Name STRING(255) Name of road on which the speed zone applies
sign_size Sign size STRING(255) Size of the speed sign
bearing Bearing Sign INTEGER(255) The compass bearing of the sign
latitude Latitude DOUBLE(255) Historic field inherited from previous data
new_limit_sign_status New limit sign status BOOLEAN(255) Whether the sign has a 'New Limit' plate indicating a recent change
facing Facing STRING(255) The direction a sign is facing
days_to_remove_new _limit_sign Days to Remove New Limit Sign INTEGER(255) Calculated field which indicates when the 'New Limit' plate should be removed
side_of_road Side of Road STRING(255) Denotes whether the sign is on the left, right or both sides of the road
speed_sign_id Speed Sign ID DOUBLE(255) Identifier for the speed sign
speed Speed INTEGER(255) The speed limit displayed by the sign, expressed in km/h
road_type Road type STRING(255) Type of road associated with the name (i.e. Road, Street, Avenue, Court etc)
speed_sign_change_request_status Speed sign change request status STRING(255) Status of a speed sign change affecting the sign
sign_type Sign Type STRING(255) The type of speed sign. i.e. standard speed sign, electronic speed limit sign, speed limit ahead sign etc.
longitude Longitude DOUBLE(255) Historic field inherited from previous data
change_repeat_nature Change Repeat Nature STRING(255) Denotes whether the sign is changing the speed zone or a repeater sign within the zone
comments Comments STRING(255) Free text field for any comments related to the installation
variable_time_1_to Variable time 1 to TIME(255) If the sign is for a variable speed limit, denotes the time the first period of the variable speed limit ends
variable_time_1_from Variable time 1 from TIME(255) If the sign is for a variable speed limit, denotes the time the first period of the variable speed limit starts
variable_calendar_type Variable Calendar Type STRING(255) Denotes if the sign is for a variable speed limit
variable_time_2_from Variable time 2 from TIME(255) If the sign is for a variable speed limit, denotes the time the second period of the variable speed limit starts
variable_time_2_to Variable time 2 to TIME(255) If the sign is for a variable speed limit, denotes the time the second period of the variable speed limit ends
speed_sign_change_request_id Speed sign change request ID STRING(255) Identifier for a speed sign change workflow associated with the sign
date_moa_modifed Date Moa Modified DOUBLE(255) The date the Memorandum of Authorisation to change the speed limit sign was modified to reflect the new speed limit
distance Distance Signs DOUBLE(255) Distance of the sign from the nearest intersecting road
intersection_road_type Intersection Road Type STRING(255) Type of road associated with the intersecting road (i.e. Road, Street, Avenue, Court etc)
date_sign_installed Date Sign Installed DOUBLE(255) The date the current speed sign was installed
intersection_road_name Intersection Road Name STRING(255) Name of the nearest intersecting road to the speed sign
date_sign_inspected Date sign inspected DOUBLE(255) The date the installation of the speed sign was inspected
road_authority_other Road Authority Other STRING(255) Conditional field to provide road authority if it is not local or arterial
state_electorate State Electorate STRING(255) The State Electorate(s) where the speed zone segment is located
lga LGA STRING(255) The Local Government Area (LGA) where the speed zone segment is located
variable_time_2_days Variable time 2 days STRING(255) If the sign is for a variable speed limit, denotes the day(s) the second period of the variable speed limit ends
speed_sign_status Speed sign status STRING(255) Status of the speed sign (unused)
postcode Postcode INTEGER(255) The Postcode(s) where the speed zone segment is located
suburb Suburb STRING(255) The Suburb(s) where the speed zone segment is located
variable_time_1_days Variable time 1 days STRING(255) If the sign is for a variable speed limit, denotes the day(s) the first period of the variable speed limit ends
region Region STRING(255) The DTP region(s) where the speed zone segment is located
date_sign_removed Date sign Removed TIME(255) Date a sign was removed
suplementary_signs Supplementary Signs STRING(255) Denotes whether a supplementary sign is provided with the speed limit sign
sign_size_details Sign Size Details STRING(255) Free text field for any comments related to the speed sign
inspection_requirement Inspection Requirement STRING(255) Indicates whether inspection of the new sign is required
OBJECTID OBJECTID Identifier for the speed sign
Coordinates_sign DOUBLE(255) Not Defined
Road authority STRING(255) Whether the road is a local road or arterial road
Type_sign STRING(255) Not Defined
id_b STRING(255) Not Defined
Type_signs STRING(255) Not Defined
Type_a STRING(255) Not Defined

Additional information

Field Value
Dataset Last Updated Date 13 June 2024
Last Updated Date 7 November 2024
Publication Date 1 August 2018
Format GeoJSON
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Open Data Title Speed Signs
Dataset File Size 134.4 MiB
Dataset Security Value BIL1 OFFICIAL - Authorised Public Release
Geographic Coordinate System WGS84
Geographic Coverage Victoria